Attention parents of the 10/2s: Minchinbury's mod field is flooded due to sprinklers being left on so your game time has changed to 12:30pm. It is still at Mt Druitt Town Centre. Please let other parents from the team know who might not use social media.
It takes a great team to run our club. For those of you have the time we would love to have you on the committee so please head over to our website and download a nomination form for the 2014 season. If you can't commit to being on the committee then there are many other areas of club operations that you can help with. Check out these descriptions and please let a committee person know if you can help out and we will take down your name for the 2014 season. As always, many hands make light work, and most importantly, make our club run smoothly and efficiently. We'd love to have you on board in 2014 so please consider helping out where ever you can. Please read the attached message from Penrith Panthers' High Performance Manager, Matt Cameron, regarding the 2013 CUBs program. ![]()
The draw and BBQ duty rosters for this weekend's matches are below in PDF format. Please contact Megan if you have any queries or concerns. ![]()
The NSW government has introduced a new ban on smoking in spectator areas of sports grounds or other recreational areas while organised sporting events are being held. This law came into effect on 7 January 2013. Please see the attached fact sheet for more information. Fines of up to $550 apply for breaches. Emu Plains JRLFC supports these new laws. In 2013 and beyond, the committee and ground managers will ensure that people are not smoking near or around fields, canteens, BBQs or spectator areas at Leonay Oval while games and training are taking place. Spectator areas include cars parked near football field boundaries. Quitnow: 13 78 48 ![]()