It's come to our attention that some teenage boys in Emu Plains jerseys have been seen behaving inappropriately in public recently. There's no need to go into the nature of this behaviour in this forum or to comment on it however, What we will state is this: If you are seen or caught doing anything in public that brings our club into disrepute while wearing an Emu jersey, on or off the field, you will face disciplinary action at an executive committee level. This is in our constitution. Action will be taken and consequences may include a warning, suspension from playing, or expulsion from playing. I am hopeful that the boys seen recently in Emu jerseys who were behaving very poorly, are either former players, or they picked up the jersey at a garage sale! If any current player thinks it is a wise idea to involve themselves with negative or violent behaviour in public, be aware that there are eyes and ears everywhere. Smart phone cameras will capture you on video. Morons will place these videos on social media. Police will see these videos. Use your brains. Don't be a participant. Don't be a bystander.
The Emu Plains JRLFC Coaching Development Panel and Executive Committee would like to announce the following people as our 2015 Saturday coaches:
Under 15s: Mark Savage Under 14s: Tim Wrigley (with Robert Speed and Chris Martin) Under 13s: Mark Wildman and Ian Watters Under 12s: Terrell Hamilton and Grant Townes Under 11s: Merv Lopez and Craig Bolton Under 10s: Matt Grant and Andrew Bateup Under 9s: Paul Burton and Steve Brown Under 8s: Aaron Jelacic, Dave Williams and Darren Wills Under 7s: Hayden Hale and Billy Riley Under 6s: Phil Handley, Tom PIttman, Todd Brackenhofer & Adam Devine We congratulate these coaches on their appointments and look forward to a successful 2015 season. Thank you to everyone who completed the application and interview process. There will still be coaching appointments made for the 2nds and 3rds teams during the pre-season, as is the usual process. Information regarding the 2015 pre-season will be released towards the end of November. Summer Sessions will run in November. Players in the Under 6 > Under 15 age groups are invited to attend skills and drills sessions at Leonay Oval mod field. Dates and times are as follows:
Please come along at these times to enjoy some skill development sessions with out 2015 coaches. Bring along a friend who might like to give rugby league a go before registering. Online Registration will take place once again this year. Information will be mailed to parents in the coming days, and posted online. The Emu Plains JRLFC Coaching Development Panel and Executive Committee would like to announce the following people as our 2015 Sunday coaches: Club Coach and A-Grade Coach - Barry Walker A-Reserve Coach - Darryl Hamilton C-Grade Coach - Carl Raven U17s Coach - Mark Savage U16/1s Coach - Shane Cook U16/2s Coach - Luke Smiles We congratulate these coaches on their appointments and look forward to a successful 2015 season. Thank you to everyone who completed the application and interview process. Information regarding the 2015 pre-season will be released towards the end of November. Nominations are now open to join the 2015 EPJRLFC Committee. Voting for executive positions will take place at our AGM on Thursday 20th November at Emu Sports Club at 7pm. All members are welcome to attend the AGM and vote for the 2015 committee positions. Members include players who are over 18yo, parents of players who are under 18yo, life members and individuals who pay the $11 membership fee. All positions are open for nomination including general committee, and the executive positions of president, vice president, secretary, assistant secretary, treasurer, assistant treasurer, and registrar.
Pete Foster will step down as President after quite a few years in the position, and is looking forward to spending more time with his kids, Alana and Blake. Megan Townes will step down as Secretary after 2 years in the position. These two positions are extremely important to the running of our club so if you'd like to step up to the challenge, please nominate yourself for a year of fun and adventure :) The committee meets once a month to discuss and vote on matters that relate to the running of the club, and organise upcoming events. Responsibilities are also assigned to committee members in regards to attending meetings at Penrith JL, such as the trainer updates, coaching updates, etc. If you'd like to have a say in the running of the club, please nominate before November 6th. As the saying goes, many hands make light work! Whether it be the physical work of helping out on game day, or helping during fundraising events, or the less physically demanding work like helping to organise events, helping with managing the canteen or clothing, or helping out to coordinate the Under 6s at the beginning of the year, all of these responsibilities help to make our club one of the strongest in the district, so please consider coming onto the committee in 2015. Nominations close on November 6th. Please complete the nomination form at: |