These training times are pre-season and trials training times for whole age groups. Finalised training times will be issued once teams are finalised after the trials. Please contact the firsts coach for each age group for more information on specific age groups.
Important points to note from last night's meeting: Teams are not to access Leonay Oval until the 17th March Penrith City Council does not officially hand over Leonay Oval to Emu Plains JRLFC until this date and if any team is found to be using the top or bottom field before this date, we may face consequences. Please don't be the team that ruins it for the whole club. 2012 Trial Dates 17th & 18th March - U6s > A Grade will play against Minchinbury at Minchinbury 24th & 25th March - Mod and International sides will play against Windsor at Leonay; Mini sides will play against Windsor at Windsor 31st March & 1st April - U6s > A Grade will play against St Pats at a location to be determined 2012 Merchandise Sharon McMaster will operate the clothing store at the bottom canteen every Thursday and Friday from 6pm-7pm. Further Trials Information Managers should ensure that a player register is maintained for each trial game. Managers might like to print multiple copies of the sheet at the bottom of this post to use during the trials. The training schedule for all age groups will be provided to parents at the registration days and uploaded to the website as soon as possible. 2012 Season The season will kick off on the 21st/22nd April. Regrading will take place after 7 weeks on the June long weekend when there will be a bye (unless there is a catch-up round due to washed out matches). There will be another bye later in the season but could also be used as a catch-up round for washed out matches. 2012 Jerseys Player jerseys belong to Emu Plains JRLFC. Managers should ensure that the jerseys remain as a set throughout the year and are not given out to players to 'keep' for the season. Unless managers are informed otherwise, ALL JERSEYS MUST BE RETURNED BEFORE PRESENTATION DAY or your PLAYERS WILL NOT RECEIVE TROPHIES. This will be strictly enforced in 2012. 2012 Functions The annual trivia night will take place at King Henry's Court again this year (Date is TBA but should be around May). All teams are expected to make a donation to the prize pool to the value of $30. The Junior Presentation Day will take place on Sunday 14th October at Leonay Oval The Senior Presentation Night will take place on Saturday 20th October at CUA Stadium Club Spirit If an Emu Plains team is playing on the same field as your team directly after you, coaches and managers are encouraged to have their team clap the Emu team onto the field. Carol Neil from Emu Sports Charity Golf Day Many of you may know Carol Neil, a long term staff member of Emu Sports. She was recently involved in a car accident on her way to receive medical treatment for cancer. Obviously this is a devastating set of circumstances and Emu Sports are hosting a charity golf day on Friday 23rd February to raise funds for renovations to the Neil home. If you are able to attend please do so. Club Vice-President John Corey will be representing Emu Plains JRLFC with a team of 4 playing in the event. See the Penrith Press advertisement attached below for more details. Phone Numbers Coaches and managers should ensure that Tania has their current phone and email contact details. Please be aware that Tania's phone number has changed to 0401 170 393 and you can phone/text your changes through to this number. A full list of all coaches and managers contact details will be distributed soon. Coaching Guidelines Agreement All coaches are required to return their coaching agreement that stipulates a range of conditions under which they coach. These include the following highlighted points: * All U6s and U7s teams are to send at least one coach/trainer/parent to the free referee's course run by Penrith Junior League. The accreditation is valid for three years and you receive a free t-shirt. Further details can be found here. * Every team is required to provide two representatives for BBQ duty, 45 minutes before every home game of the season. Managers should communicate this expectation through their team newsletter. Where possible a schedule should be drawn up early in the season so parents have advanced warning of when their duty will be. * If you are the first game of the day, it is expected that your representatives will help set up the BBQ and prepare the fields for play. If you are the last game of the day, it is expected that your representatives will pack up the fields also. * Teams who fail to provide representatives for BBQ duty, run the risk of breaking their coaching agreement and can consequently be banned from taking the field for their match that day. Fundraising Any team who wishes to fundraise must complete a Notification of Intention to Fundraise (see file below) and submit it to the committee. Regardless of whether it is a major or minor fundraising drive, this form must be submitted. If you intend to run a meat/fruit/prize raffle on game day then it is a condition that you have two raffles - one will raise funds for your team and the other will raise funds for the club. Please hand your form to a committee member well in advance of your fundraising date. New Website & Facebook Page We have updated our website - the URL remains the same at Please check this regularly and also encourage your parents to check it regularly. Information regarding washouts and other important club updates will be posted to the Latest News page. We also maintain a Facebook page at If you have a Facebook account please "like" the page so that you can stay up to date with news via your news feed. Also encourage your parents to "like" the page if they are Facebookers. Next Meeting The next coaches/managers meeting will take place on Wednesday 7th March, upstairs at O'Donoghue's at 7pm. The schedule for 2012 coaches and managers meetings can be downloaded below. You can also check the dates on the Emu Plains JRLFC Calendar. ![]()
Penrith Junior League have posted their course dates for 2012. If you intend to coach or train a team in 2012, you must have valid accreditation. You register for the courses online so please click on the relevant link (red writing) below to register.
2012 LEVEL 1 TRAINERS COURSE (click here to register) Relevant for U6s > A-Grade Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th March Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th April 9:00am - 4:30pm on both days Centrebet Stadium, Penrith Cost: $140.00 2012 LEAGUE SAFE COURSE (click here to register) No person or persons are permitted to enter the field of play, a restricted, fenced or roped area of any Rugby League field without League Safe Accreditation / I.D Photo Identification Card. A League Safe course provides you with this accreditation. 7th April at 9am or 12:30pm 21st April at 9am or 12:30pm 2nd May at 7:00pm 8th August at 7:00pm Centrebet Stadium, Penrith Cost: $25.00 2012 LEVEL 1 RE-ACCREDITATION COURSE (click here to register) For Mini/Mod and International coaches who need to update their accreditation. 4th April at 7pm 11th April at 7pm Centrebet Stadium, Penrith Cost: $60.00 2012 MINI/MOD GAMES COACHING COURSE (click here to register) For new Mini/Mod coaches. 25th February - 9am-4pm 24th March - 9am-4pm 28th April - 9am-4pm Centrebet Stadium, Penrith Cost: $55.00 2012 INTERNATIONAL GAMES COACHING COURSE (click here to register) For new International Rules coaches 19th May - 9am-4pm Centrebet Stadium, Penrith Cost $55.00 2012 LEVEL 2 SPORTS TRAINERS COURSE (click here to register) Advanced 3-day trainer course 11th March from 9am-4:30pm 17th March from 9am-4:30pm 18th March from 8am-5pm Centrebet Stadium, Penrith Cost: $220.00 There will be a coaches and managers meeting upstairs at O'Donoghues on Wednesday 22nd February at 7pm. Please arrive promptly and bring your 2011 jerseys with you unless you were explicitly told that your team could keep the jerseys at the end of season (Grand Final winners and two-year sponsor jerseys).
Please contact Tania Gibson on 0401 170 393 if you are unable to attend or if you have any queries |